Assessment-Based Business Acumen Training for Leaders
This is the Perth Leadership Institute Business Acumen Training for Leaders (Matt is a certified consultant for Perth), which has been implemented in numerous Fortune 500 companies.
The objective of the training program, which can range from one-half day to three days, is to quickly* increase the profitability and valuation of your organization by:
- Assessing your people to determine their propensity to be profitable and create capital, using assessments based on the groundbreaking research of the Perth Leadership Institute
- Helping your people understand and adopt more profitable behaviors
- Fine tuning the behavioral change to ensure alignment with team and company objectives, and the market
- Helping your people use mindfulness to develop the self-awareness and mental agility needed to adopt more profitable behaviors
*Short Case Studies for the Effects of the Training
- COO of major publishing company completes assessments and immediately starts making financial decisions in a very different way that immediately improve profitability – states that he paid for full Perth program with first major financial decision he made after completing the program.
- CFO of Fortune 500 restaurant company indicates to QA that his financial performance increased 30-50% within 3 months of completing program and that he started putting recommendations into effect immediately after completing Perth program.
- High potential young middle manager completes Perth assessments and coaching and immediately supervisors note major difference in his ability to improve profitability.
- Young manager in customer service has dramatic financial impact due to Perth coaching and is promoted over much more senior managers as a result.
- CEO of multi-billion dollar company for the first time understands what is holding back his financial performance and makes major and dramatic new decisions which have major impact on profitability.
- CEO of energy company uses Perth assessments and coaching for his senior management teams and sees significant impact on profitability in his senior staff, plus is able to spot the ignored profit achievers who could be elevated to more senior positions.
- General Manager for innovation in Fortune 100 company indicates that his financial impact improves dramatically after doing Perth program.